Chip extraction for schools
ITEK Green Technologies has special competence and experience from deliveries to production and teaching facilities for wood dust, shavings and wood chips.
It is important to ensure a good and safe working environment in the school, and we therefore offer solutions that will take care of both staff and students. By establishing efficient extraction points at processing machines, and outlets for vacuuming and cleaning of benches, machines and floors, one can significantly reduce the presence of floating particles and meet the requirements set out in the Workplace Regulations.
In addition, we always make an assessment, together with the customer, of the risk of dust explosions. This is based on several laws, including the ATEX directive.
For the primary and secondary school level, the requirement for simultaneity is less than for upper secondary schools, and this helps us to deliver simple, compact and very efficient.
Primary schools – Small high-vacuum solutions for point extraction and vacuuming.
- PLC-controlled operation, automatic start / stop, filter cleaner and full-bag alarm
- Emptying in a 200 l sack on a sack trolley
- Closed systems, returns are led out
- Typically, up to 8,000 Pa and 1,800 m3 / h
- High vacuum pipe systems, tight and solid design
- Tight dampers and flap valves
- Example of data sheets and documentation
High schools – Larger high vacuum solutions for point extraction and vacuuming.
- Frequency and PLC controlled operation, automatic start / stop, filter cleaner and full-bag alarm
- Emptying in 200 l, 600 l container, big bag, other
- Closed systems, returns are led out
- Typically, up to 12,000 Pa and 6,000 m3 / h
- High vacuum pipe systems, tight and solid design
- Tight dampers and flap valves
- Example of data sheets and documentation
References from approx. 800 schools in Denmark and Norway